Are you a recent immigrant to Canada? Welcome!
Canada is a wonderful country, full of opportunities. However, with opportunities come responsibilities. One of the most notable responsibilities is the annual requirement to file your personal income tax returns.
Usually, tax returns are due on April 30th of each year (with some exceptions). This year the deadline has been extended to June 1st to account for difficulties brought on by COVID-19.
Canadian residents are required to show their worldwide income for the year, for which they are filing their return. As a new immigrant, there are some complexities that you may encounter with that. Please remember to gather all income information from all sources, so that your return reflects accurate information. It is also worth mentioning that your personal tax exemptions are reduced in the year of arrival. Therefore, the date when you landed in Canada becomes very important for the calculation.
If you need assistance with your tax filing, remember – Tap.Tap.Done! TaxWellDone